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The Complete Guide To Auto Accessories

Hello, my name is Martin and I've always been an auto enthusiast. I spend all of my free time reading about and looking at pictures of automobiles. I also visit car shows when they're in my area. Along with my fascination with cars, I also enjoy learning about the newest auto accessories that are available. I buy many of the new accessories and try them out. I've amassed a huge collection of accessories for all types of vehicles and I decided to write about them in this blog. If you like learning about the latest and trendiest accessories for cars, trucks, and SUVs, you'll learn all you need to know by reading my blog. I hope that it helps you make an informed decision when buying accessories for your automobile.

The Complete Guide To Auto Accessories

It's Time To Upgrade Your Car Radio To Connect To Your Smartphone

by Allen Taylor

Is your car a bit older and lacking some of the modern technology that brand new vehicles feature today? Perhaps if the car runs fine under the hood, you are okay with going without some modern amenities as opposed to taking out another car loan for a brand new vehicle. But it doesn't have to be this way. It's possible to install auto accessories like an Apple CarPlay system on factory radios. Here's how you can benefit from getting your car hooked up to a system that can put information from your smartphone right up on the dashboard or console.

Easy Access to Your Music With Optional Steering Wheel Controls and Fewer Wires

One of the key features of smartphone programs that work within your car is the ability to stream certain music services with incredible ease. You'll have full control over your entire music library to be able to search for a new song on your dashboard display by using controls that can be installed on the steering wheel and without a long wire running from your actual phone to the AUX jack. If you love doing a bit of karaoke in the car on the way home from work, installing one of these systems will make it much easier to rock out the highway.

Limit or Remove Distractions While Driving

Music streaming isn't the only feature offered by programs like Apple CarPlay or Android Auto. You can also easily pull up the Maps app from your phone, your texting app, and a variety of other apps that contain useful information or additional entertainment options. 

But by putting these options up on the dash and possibly installing optional steering wheel control, you won't have to physically pick up your phone any longer to make an adjustment or change to an app while you are trying to drive, keeping your eyes on the road. You can also set up one of these systems to intentionally lock you out from doing certain things like reading text messages while the car is in motion, making you a safer driver yet again.

Turn Your Old Car Into a Modern Marvel at a Fraction of the Price That Your Friends Are Paying

You can install a full smartphone integration system into your vehicle for relatively cheap if you only want to purchase the system itself and can handle the labor and installation yourself. Even if you want to tap a professional installer to do it for you, the cost will be a one-time charge and will be considerably less than what some of your friends might still be paying per month on their auto loan for a new car that has all the bells and whistles. You can bring your old but reliable car into the modern age without putting yourself back into debt with a new installment loan.
